
MATICA – Association of Croatian Trade Unions is an association of trade unions in the field of health care, preschool, primary and secondary education, culture, social care the judiciary and military field. It promotes the common rights and interests of more than 50,000 members. As a representative association, Matica is a social partner at the national level and together with other representative associations, the Croatian Employers’ Association and the Government of the Republic of Croatia, is a member of the Economic – Social Council; the highest institution of tripartite social dialogue in our country. Therefore Matica has an impact on the adoption of strategies, legislation and subordinate legislation and other important documents that are relevant for the rights of workers and Croatian citizens in general.

Matica is a member od European trade union confederation.

Founded: 27.2.1993.
President: Sanja Šprem
Vice president: Anica Prašnjak
Secretary general: Mirela Bojić

Headquarters: Trg Republike Hrvatske 4, Zagreb
Secretariat (address for mail delivery): Ribnička 61, Zagreb
Telephone: 01/4882-335
Fax: 01/4855-726
e-mail: tajnistvo@matica-sindikata.hr